Annonces Classées de Montréal
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  In-Home dog training lessons  1$ 
Catégorie Animaux / Services et Fourniture Voir la carte geographique
Région Montréal 

Your dog owns the house? Your dog has a behaviour problem? You do not know how to manage this situation?

We can help!

Beginner obedience training to advance obedience training lesson, on and off-leash, Puppy Training, House Training, Behaviour problems, Aggressiveness, Biting, Digging, Chewing, Excessive barking, Whining, Separation Anxiety, Jumping, Walking properly, Come on command, Dog Friendly training

Céline Huet Professional Dog Trainer
Behaviourist Therapist

Ph : (514) 378-5420

In-Home dog training lessons

Contact Courriel  
Prix 1$
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Ville chambly

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